Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2/ Genap Terbaru 2017
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Contoh Soal UTS Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 ini terdiri dari 30 soal yang didalamnya terdiri dari menjawab pertanyaan dari paragaraf, Pilihan ganda, Menterjemahkan kosa kata, dan menjodohkan, untuk lengkapnya silahkan di download saja.
Dapatkan juga soal soal uts kelas 4 semester 2/ genap lainnya seperti dibawah ini !
Soal UTS B. Indonesia kelas 4 semester 2/ genap
Soal UTS IPS Kelas 4 Semester 2/ Genap
Last Populer Soal UTS Semester 2
Soal UTS Genap Matematika Kelas 1
Soal UTS Genap Matematika Kelas 4
Soal Soal UTS KTSP Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 6 Semester 2
I. Answer the question below according to this paragraf !
Read this story
1. Who are at a clothes shop ?
2. What Meilin and Tagor want to buy ?
3. What the assistan do ?
4. Does they want to try the T-shirt
5. Are they happy ?
B. Berilah tanda silang pada huruf a, b atau c pada jawaban yang paling benar !
6. Mata bahasa inggrisnya . . .
a. eye
b. nose
c. ear
7. an elbow artinya . . .
a. rambut
b. lutut
c. siku
8. Pinokio has a . . . nose
a. Short
b. Pointed
c. Oval
9. Kendo has a . . . hair
a. short
b. Long
c. Big
10. I have . . .
a. Two noses
b. One Head
c. Three hair
11. My . . . is red and white .. .
a. Trouser
b. Jacket
c. Uniform
12. My sport uniform is . . .
a. Purple . . .
b. Orange
c. Green
13. Meilin is . . . a red dress
a. Wearing
b. Near
c. Short
14. Azizah is wearing a brown T-shirt. She is looking . . .
a. Naughty
b. Beautiful
c. Smart
15. Tas belanjaan bahasa inggrisnya adalah . . .
a. Shop asisstant
b. Clothes shop
c. Shopping bag
C. Silahkan download saja soal lengkapnya == >> Download
Contoh Soal UTS Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 ini terdiri dari 30 soal yang didalamnya terdiri dari menjawab pertanyaan dari paragaraf, Pilihan ganda, Menterjemahkan kosa kata, dan menjodohkan, untuk lengkapnya silahkan di download saja.
Dapatkan juga soal soal uts kelas 4 semester 2/ genap lainnya seperti dibawah ini !
Soal UTS B. Indonesia kelas 4 semester 2/ genap
Soal UTS IPS Kelas 4 Semester 2/ Genap
Last Populer Soal UTS Semester 2
Soal UTS Genap Matematika Kelas 4
Soal Soal UTS KTSP Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 6 Semester 2
Read this story
Tigor dan Meilin are at a clothes shop. Meilin wants to buy a pari of trousers. Tigor wants to buy a T-shirt. They are looking for the shop assistant.A. Answer the questions below !
Now, Meilin and Tigor are with a man. He is the shop assistant. He works at the clothes shop. He helps people there. Right now, he is helping Tigor and Meilin.
The shop assistant is giving them a blue T-Shirt and pink trousers. They want to try T-shirt and trousers on. Can they try them on ? Of course the can.
Look !, Tigor dan Meilin are walking out of the clothes shop. They have a new t-shirt and trousers in their shopping bag. They are very happy.
1. Who are at a clothes shop ?
2. What Meilin and Tagor want to buy ?
3. What the assistan do ?
4. Does they want to try the T-shirt
5. Are they happy ?
B. Berilah tanda silang pada huruf a, b atau c pada jawaban yang paling benar !
6. Mata bahasa inggrisnya . . .
a. eye
b. nose
c. ear
7. an elbow artinya . . .
a. rambut
b. lutut
c. siku
8. Pinokio has a . . . nose
a. Short
b. Pointed
c. Oval
9. Kendo has a . . . hair
a. short
b. Long
c. Big
10. I have . . .
a. Two noses
b. One Head
c. Three hair
11. My . . . is red and white .. .
a. Trouser
b. Jacket
c. Uniform
12. My sport uniform is . . .
a. Purple . . .
b. Orange
c. Green
13. Meilin is . . . a red dress
a. Wearing
b. Near
c. Short
14. Azizah is wearing a brown T-shirt. She is looking . . .
a. Naughty
b. Beautiful
c. Smart
15. Tas belanjaan bahasa inggrisnya adalah . . .
a. Shop asisstant
b. Clothes shop
c. Shopping bag
C. Silahkan download saja soal lengkapnya == >> Download
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